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notary signing agent

Notaries are an important part of the legal system. They can sign documents, such as wills and deeds, and help make documents official. However, not all documents that a notary can sign are appropriate for signature. For example, some documents that a notary can not sign include contracts, taxes, marriage licenses, and driver’s licenses. In this article, we will discuss what Documents Can a Notary Signing Agent Notarize.

What Is a Notary Signing Agent and What Are Their Duties?

A notary signing agent is an individual who signs and seals documents, such as marriage licenses, deeds, contracts, and other legal documents. They are typically appointed by a court to sign and seal the document in question. Notaries play an important role in the process of justice by performing many tasks that would otherwise require written documentation.

For example, notaries can sign oaths, perform liens on property, and file complaints against people or companies. Notaries also play an important role in the process of business transactions. For example, they can help negotiate deals and make sure that the terms of a deal are fair. Notaries can also serve as witnesses to agreements.

Notarial Acts That Signing Agents Can Perform

Notarial acts can be used to sign documents that represent the complete and true understanding of a document or transaction. Signing agents can notarize documents such as contracts, deeds, and other agreements. Notarial acts may also be used to authenticate documents, seal packages, and verify signatures on documents.

  • Notarial acts to authenticate documents
  • Notarial acts to seal packages
  • Notarial acts to verify signatures Notarial acts to seal packages and verify signatures can be used in a variety of ways.

For example, they may be used to protect the privacy of information or products being shipped, or to ensure that the person who signed the document is who they say they are. 

Signing Agents And Acknowledgments

When a notary signing agent signs a document, they are authorized to do so and sign under the authority of the Notary Public Act. This act authorizes the notary signing agent to sign any document that is necessary for the performance of their duties as a signer. The following documents are typically included in an acknowledgment:

  • A Written Agreement Between Two or More People
  • A Power of Attorney
  • A Will
  • A Declaration of Trust
  • A Certificate of Title
  • A Document of Incorporation

Jurats And Notarizations

A notarization is a document that authorizes a person to sign and make an affidavit. A jurat is an oath that the witness signs. Notarization forms the basis for many legal documents, including deeds, contracts, and visas. This can be done by a notary public or by someone else specifically delegated to do so by the court or government. Notarization is a document that authorizes a person to sign and make an affidavit. A jurat is an oath that the witness signs. They are the basis for many legal documents, including deeds, contracts, and visas. It can be done by a notary public or by someone else specifically delegated to do so by the court or government.

What Documents A Notary Signing Agent Cannot Notarize

A notary signing agent cannot Notarize any documents that would create a conflict of interest. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Confidential Business Records
  • Marriage License
  • Birth Certificate
  • Driver’s License
  • Identification Card
  • Social Security Card

Tax Identification Number The Social Security Card is a document that shows that the person who holds it has been receiving social security benefits for many years. The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is also included in the document.

What To Expect When Working With A Notary Signing Agent

When working with a notary signing agent, there are a few things to expect. First, the agent will provide you with a copy of their Notary Public License (NPL). This document may have specific requirements that the signer must meet in order to sign the document. The agent may also provide you with other materials, such as an oath or affirmation. Next, the notary will need to receive a valid license from your state or province.

This can be done by completing and submitting an application form found on the agency’s website or at a public office where notaries are licensed. Once the notary has received your license, they will need to go through a process called authentication which involves verifying that you are who you claim to be and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the person they are certifying. Once authentication is complete, the notary will issue you with a clear and readable signature.


Notary Signing Agents are responsible for performing various notarial acts, including signing documents and acknowledgments. They cannot, however, sign jurats or notarizations. This document-signing business is a little more complicated than it seems. If you’re looking to take on this duty, be sure to ask around and get involved with some of the best local Notaries who can help you out!

By Erin Dougan

Erin Dougan is a Blogger living in LONDON. He has experience of over 10 years as a Blogger writer and is the author of many Health, Laws, Real-State websites. His aim is to help people around the globe to live healthier & joyful life.